
Panic Key

My website has a panic key, which is the enter key. Every single time you have a feeling you are going to get caught playing games, press enter. It will send you to Clever.

Check News

Please check the News oftenly, I will post info and updates and sneak peaks on things going around on my website. The news will not notify you in you email. Just saying.


If you have any suggestions of games, or more sounds, feel free to contact me to add them. I'm sorry to say that I might not get to all suggestions, but I promise to do my best.

A Call for Help

I am not sure about my website at your school, but can someone tell me if my website is blocked there? You can contact me under "Contacts." (Please give the name of your school, to)

New Game Coming Out!

I am currently working on my next-year outcoming game, the mysteries of 69 Monkey Street. Keep in tune to be first in line to get updated! This is a long project of 14 different levels.

New Song

As we climb closer Christmas, I put a new song on my sound machine. One of the most popular Christmas song, Last Christmas is now avalible in my sound machine. Happy listening!

New Game

I have made a new game called snake with the help of UniCoder and it is only played with WASD. Pick your level and try to get the highest score you can. Happy playing!

New Game

I have made a new game called Platformer played only with the arrow keys and consists of 4 levels of different difficulty. This is a game of skill. Happy playing!

New Game

I have made a new game called Tower Blocks played only with the space bar by placing blocks on a startig base, trying to get as high as you can. This is a game of accuracy and skill Happy playing!